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Management Team

Norman Chia

Managing Director & CEO

Mr. Norman Chia, a Malaysian, aged 44, graduated from the University of Newcastle, Australia with a Bachelor of Business, double Major degree (Management and Marketing). He also holds an Honors in Marketing degree from the same University. His fields of academic expertise are Strategic Alliances / Green Marketing and has been a prolific contributor to this field of research. He authored and co-authored peered reviewed articles in this field that have been published in Australasian Marketing Journal (2010), Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (2004) and others.

Joined as senior partner in an international confectionery trading firm in Sydney, Australia in 2000. Key responsibilities included the overseeing of the logistics and distribution of imported merchandise from China to Australia marketing centres. After merging the firm with a Philippine conglomerate in 2002, he liquidated his stock options and ventured aggressively into real estate investing and land banking when the market was still in recovery. He has since amassed an impressive portfolio of rental properties in Klang Valley and is in the process of entering joint venture agreements with property developers.

He was invited to join Hong Leong bank as a Senior Executive and successfully produced consistent top performances in the end financing and mortgage category from 2011-2014, ranking in the top percentile of the entire banking group. He took the initiative to be trained in regulated investment vehicles including unit trusts, bonds and sophisticated insurance products; excelling particularly in technical analysis.

He joined a private property investment group as Business Development Manager in 2017 and managed a RM56.0 million international and domestic real estate portfolio. Key learning skills acquired include corporate restructure, legal compliance and project funding strategies.

Since forming Titans Explorer investment group, he was the key founder who structured all the plantation, mining and real estate deals that will serve its clients and shareholders well in years to come.

In brief, he brings over 20 years of trading, investment and management experience from key roles across different industries to TESB

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